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nama: rahma wahidha mahasiswa pendidikan bahasa inggris di IAIN Bukittinggi

Sabtu, 23 November 2019

new criticism(Analysis method)

Nama              : Rahma wahidha
Class               : PBI-3B
Nim                 : 2317077
Text                : O’ Henry ‘Memories of Yellow Dog’
Theory            : New Criticism (Analysis method)

            O’Henry 1995 short story “ Memories of a Yellow Dog “in this sort story the dog himself is narrator. There is a fat lady and her hen- pecket husband. Subjected to kisses and ridiculous baby tolk—oh, oo’s un oodlum, doodlu, woodlum, toodlu, bitsy-witsy skoodlums”—the dog who is called lovey is disgusted by how the husband works while his wife eats and gossips away the day. When the man come home, it is he who must walk the dog.

One day, the yellow dog “touches noses” with a black-and-tan terrier who live across the hall and learns that the reason his owner returns happy from the daily walk is the fact that the man stop in to saloon on the way, becoming “spifflicated”. With this information under his collar, the yellow dog pulls up by a saloon the next evening, refused to go farther , and the man decides to enter and have some “hot Scotches”. Once outside, the man, whose perspective has been illuminated by drink, decides to release the dog from him confinement, “Good doggie, go away..”. However, the yellow dog to run off in his effort to convince the man that it is he who needs freedom. The man seem to understand; then, he head to the Twenty-third street ferry where he talk the operator of the fery.
            Me and my doggie, we are bound for the Rocky Mountains.
When the man tells lovey that he is canging his name to “ Pete” the yellow dog howls with delight at the liberation of both the man and of himself. .
            O’Henry 1995 short story “ Memories of a yellow Dog “ New criticism is the theory there is investigating one ( or more) prominent formal clement of a text. The element you choose, we must relate it to the meaning (the theme) of the text. In “ merories of a yellow dog” the symbols is “You don't have to sit on her lap and listen to talk” to explain its theme of the freedom for everyone. In this story elucidated how the story uses the conventional word from the text like there in in this text such “hen- pecket husband” but its mean her husband who was confined, did not get freedom.  

            O’Henry 1995 short story “ Memories of a yellow dog” the conflict of the text is, a dog tries to free a man from his wife by means of his own communication, in this story how a dog communicates with human to tell that the man need freedom from his wife. The theme of the text is freedom for each other. The text tell that between animals and human same need freedom in his live. introduce about it like this quotation:

“I led a dog's life in that flat. 'Most all day I lay there in my corner watching that fat woman kill time. I slept sometimes and had pipe dreams about being out chasin cats into basements and growling at old ladies with black mittens, as a dog was intended to do. Then she would pounce upon me with a lot of that drivelling poodle palaver and kiss me on the nose—but what could I do? A dog can't chew cloves. I began to feel sorry for Hubby, dog my cats if I didn't

            A yellow dog (Lovely)  point of view toward is the need for the freedom of a husband from a wife, where when his husband works his wife does noting at home, dan when he comes home from work, he takes care of everything such as absence of freedom to him , and a dog trying to recover everything

            If men knew how women pass the time when they are alone they'd never marry. Laura Lean Jibbey, peanut brittle, a little almond cream on the neck muscles, dishes unwashed, half an hour's talk with the iceman, reading a package of old letters, a couple of pickles and two bottles of malt extract, one hour peeking through a hole in the window shade into the flat across the air–shaft—that's about all there is to it.

            in this story the men has bad and lazy wife. Everyday she is does not every thing, In this quotation she express about how she feels to her husband :
If men knew how women pass the time when they are alone they'd never marry. Laura Lean Jibbey, peanut brittle, a little almond cream on the neck fmuscles, dishes unwashed, half an hour's talk with the iceman, reading a package of old letters, a couple of pickles and two bottles of malt extract, one hour peeking through a hole in the window shade into the flat across the air–shaft—that's about all there is to it”.
The author’s uses progressive plot, this story is a chronological structure which first establishes the setting and conflict, then follows the rising action through to a climax and concludes with a denouement. This story is chronological even, the first evan followed by another evan.  This story suggest that everyone has right to have freedom without pressure from other parties e. The plot introduce progressive plot like this quotation:

“If men knew how women pass the time when they are alone they'd never marry. Laura Lean Jibbey, peanut brittle, a little almond cream on the neck muscles, dishes unwashed, half an hour's talk with the iceman, reading a package of old letters, a couple of pickles and two bottles of malt extract, …

“One evening when we were thus promenading, and I was trying to look like a prize St. Bernard, and the old man was trying to look like he wouldn't have murdered the first organ–grinder he heard play Mendelssohn'swedding–march, I looked up at him and said, in my way: "What are you looking so sour about, you oakum trimmed lobster?

"Doggie," says he, finally, "we don't live more than a dozen lives on this earth, and very few of us live to be more than 300. If I ever see that flat any more I'm a flat, and if you do you're flatter; and that's no flattery. I'm offering 60 to 1 that Westward Ho wins out by the length of a dachshund….

"Me and my doggie, we are bound for the Rocky Mountains."

memories of yellow dog” this short story uses point of view, point of view from this story is the release of a husband from the pressure of a wife who only stays at home and does nothing when the husband works by s dog. The other technique used is point of view , according to the narrator of “memories of yellow dog” that point of view from narrator is the narrator feels bad for his owner’s husband since he goes to work all day when his wife stay home and does nothing, and narrator feels pity to him, and trying to talks him. And the other technique used is plot structure, in this story the narrator use progressive plot.
This short story is self-sufficient, and all of this story complex. The narrator used progressive plot to make the readers understanding with this text. I choose the new criticism for this story to make all of this story become specific. The dialect between parts and the whole emerges here as a technical problem rather than an experiental one.
O’henry short story “Memories of a yellow dog” responds admirably to the “ open reading” techniques of new criticism. This story has tell us how should a wife do and treat her husband and with the another language and meaning. There is some word with ambiguity to humans’ understanding with this story like “hen- pecket husband” but its mean her husband who was confined, did not get freedom. And we can not to translate all of this story meaning by word to word. As well we know the New critics is popularity used in poetry for know its ironic, symbol, imagery, etc. But in the short story we can used this theory, because its analysis based on its text, is it text its complex or self-sufficient. And there is no need to relate it with its historical context or author’s intention. A further common ground for the attack on new criticism is its formalist issolation of the literary text from its social, psychological and intertextual context. One of the attraction of formalism was that it gave criticism a disticnt object of study. Critics should claim to have a specialist knowledge of text which could not be provided by linguist, historians, socioligst or psychologists. In this short story all of the characters in this story introduce to us about solidaritas and freedom in life, and how a wife’s attitude toward to her husband. The story described us to help others even with difficully. Its gives us important education in our life, because many of the people don’t know their current position, whether they are free or even pressured.

Abrams, M. H. 1981. A Glossary of Literary Term. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston
Eagleton, terry. Literary theory : an introduction -2. Uk: blackwell publishing. 1996.
Ediyen, Agseora. Teaching materials foundation of literature. Bukittinggi, 2018.
Klarer, Mario. An introduction to literary studies. English, Routledge, 1999.
O’Henry. 100 selected stories. Wordsworth, 1995.

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